Analyzing SAT Scores

In [17]:
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
% matplotlib inline
import seaborn as sns'fivethirtyeight')
import math
import numpy as np

scores = pd.read_csv('sat_scores.csv')


State Rate Verbal Math
0 CT 82 509 510
1 NJ 81 499 513
2 MA 79 511 515
3 NY 77 495 505
4 NH 72 520 516
5 RI 71 501 499
6 PA 71 500 499
7 VT 69 511 506
8 ME 69 506 500
9 VA 68 510 501
10 DE 67 501 499
11 MD 65 508 510
12 NC 65 493 499
13 GA 63 491 489
14 IN 60 499 501
15 SC 57 486 488
16 DC 56 482 474
17 OR 55 526 526
18 FL 54 498 499
19 WA 53 527 527
20 TX 53 493 499
21 HI 52 485 515
22 AK 51 514 510
23 CA 51 498 517
24 AZ 34 523 525
25 NV 33 509 515
26 CO 31 539 542
27 OH 26 534 439
28 MT 23 539 539
29 WV 18 527 512
30 ID 17 543 542
31 TN 13 562 553
32 NM 13 551 542
33 IL 12 576 589
34 KY 12 550 550
35 WY 11 547 545
36 MI 11 561 572
37 MN 9 580 589
38 KS 9 577 580
39 AL 9 559 554
40 NE 8 562 568
41 OK 8 567 561
42 MO 8 577 577
43 LA 7 564 562
44 WI 6 584 596
45 AR 6 562 550
46 UT 5 575 570
47 IA 5 593 603
48 SD 4 577 582
49 ND 4 592 599
50 MS 4 566 551
51 All 45 506 514

In [5]:

499    6
510    3
515    3
542    3
550    2
501    2
589    2
527    1
474    1
599    1
596    1
514    1
570    1
525    1
526    1
582    1
517    1
516    1
577    1
513    1
539    1
551    1
545    1
572    1
603    1
488    1
489    1
554    1
580    1
561    1
562    1
500    1
553    1
439    1
568    1
505    1
506    1
512    1
Name: Math, dtype: int64

The data lists the rate of participation and mean verbal/math scores of students who took the SAT in 2001 broken down by states.

Initial Analysis:

From my initial observations I look at row 51 and assume that the 45 in the rate column (and 506-Verbal and 514-Math) is the mean of the data in rows 0-50. Iowa and North Dakota, which are in the bottom 5 for rate of participation (at 47th and 48th, respectively), have some of the highest Math and Verbal mean scores. So, rate of participation is not indicative of strong scores. Also, I want to ask the College Board if they want to rank it by participation rate, which is the current method. Or would they prefer ranking the states by highest mean Verbal and Math scores for their presentation this year?

In [159]:

Rate Verbal Math
count 52.000000 52.000000 52.000000
mean 37.153846 532.019231 531.500000
std 27.301788 33.236225 36.014975
min 4.000000 482.000000 439.000000
25% 9.000000 501.000000 504.000000
50% 33.500000 526.500000 521.000000
75% 63.500000 562.000000 555.750000
max 82.000000 593.000000 603.000000

In [9]:
#Sorting Verbal scores in ascending order

/anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ipykernel/ FutureWarning: sort(columns=....) is deprecated, use sort_values(by=.....)
  from ipykernel import kernelapp as app
State Rate Verbal Math
16 DC 56 482 474
21 HI 52 485 515
15 SC 57 486 488
13 GA 63 491 489
20 TX 53 493 499
12 NC 65 493 499
3 NY 77 495 505
23 CA 51 498 517
18 FL 54 498 499
1 NJ 81 499 513
14 IN 60 499 501
6 PA 71 500 499
5 RI 71 501 499
10 DE 67 501 499
51 All 45 506 514
8 ME 69 506 500
11 MD 65 508 510
0 CT 82 509 510
25 NV 33 509 515
9 VA 68 510 501
7 VT 69 511 506
2 MA 79 511 515
22 AK 51 514 510
4 NH 72 520 516
24 AZ 34 523 525
17 OR 55 526 526
19 WA 53 527 527
29 WV 18 527 512
27 OH 26 534 439
26 CO 31 539 542
28 MT 23 539 539
30 ID 17 543 542
35 WY 11 547 545
34 KY 12 550 550
32 NM 13 551 542
39 AL 9 559 554
36 MI 11 561 572
31 TN 13 562 553
45 AR 6 562 550
40 NE 8 562 568
43 LA 7 564 562
50 MS 4 566 551
41 OK 8 567 561
46 UT 5 575 570
33 IL 12 576 589
38 KS 9 577 580
48 SD 4 577 582
42 MO 8 577 577
37 MN 9 580 589
44 WI 6 584 596
49 ND 4 592 599
47 IA 5 593 603

Creating a list of State names extracted from the data.

In [65]:


In [29]:
### Checking that types are accurate.

State     object
Rate       int64
Verbal     int64
Math       int64
dtype: object
Creating a dictionary for each column mapping the State to its respective value for that column.

In [32]:
drate = {}
dverbal = {}
dmath = {}

for x in scores.index:
    drate[scores.State.ix[x]] = scores.Rate.ix[x]
    dverbal[scores.State.ix[x]] = scores.Verbal.ix[x]
    dmath[scores.State.ix[x]] = scores.Math.ix[x]

print drate
print ''
print dverbal
print ''
print dmath

{'WA': 53, 'DE': 67, 'DC': 56, 'WI': 6, 'WV': 18, 'HI': 52, 'FL': 54, 'WY': 11, 'NH': 72, 'NJ': 81, 'NM': 13, 'TX': 53, 'LA': 7, 'NC': 65, 'ND': 4, 'NE': 8, 'TN': 13, 'NY': 77, 'PA': 71, 'RI': 71, 'NV': 33, 'VA': 68, 'CO': 31, 'AK': 51, 'AL': 9, 'AR': 6, 'VT': 69, 'IL': 12, 'GA': 63, 'IN': 60, 'IA': 5, 'OK': 8, 'AZ': 34, 'CA': 51, 'ID': 17, 'CT': 82, 'ME': 69, 'MD': 65, 'All': 45, 'MA': 79, 'OH': 26, 'UT': 5, 'MO': 8, 'MN': 9, 'MI': 11, 'KS': 9, 'MT': 23, 'MS': 4, 'SC': 57, 'KY': 12, 'OR': 55, 'SD': 4}

{'WA': 527, 'DE': 501, 'DC': 482, 'WI': 584, 'WV': 527, 'HI': 485, 'FL': 498, 'WY': 547, 'NH': 520, 'NJ': 499, 'NM': 551, 'TX': 493, 'LA': 564, 'NC': 493, 'ND': 592, 'NE': 562, 'TN': 562, 'NY': 495, 'PA': 500, 'RI': 501, 'NV': 509, 'VA': 510, 'CO': 539, 'AK': 514, 'AL': 559, 'AR': 562, 'VT': 511, 'IL': 576, 'GA': 491, 'IN': 499, 'IA': 593, 'OK': 567, 'AZ': 523, 'CA': 498, 'ID': 543, 'CT': 509, 'ME': 506, 'MD': 508, 'All': 506, 'MA': 511, 'OH': 534, 'UT': 575, 'MO': 577, 'MN': 580, 'MI': 561, 'KS': 577, 'MT': 539, 'MS': 566, 'SC': 486, 'KY': 550, 'OR': 526, 'SD': 577}

{'WA': 527, 'DE': 499, 'DC': 474, 'WI': 596, 'WV': 512, 'HI': 515, 'FL': 499, 'WY': 545, 'NH': 516, 'NJ': 513, 'NM': 542, 'TX': 499, 'LA': 562, 'NC': 499, 'ND': 599, 'NE': 568, 'TN': 553, 'NY': 505, 'PA': 499, 'RI': 499, 'NV': 515, 'VA': 501, 'CO': 542, 'AK': 510, 'AL': 554, 'AR': 550, 'VT': 506, 'IL': 589, 'GA': 489, 'IN': 501, 'IA': 603, 'OK': 561, 'AZ': 525, 'CA': 517, 'ID': 542, 'CT': 510, 'ME': 500, 'MD': 510, 'All': 514, 'MA': 515, 'OH': 439, 'UT': 570, 'MO': 577, 'MN': 589, 'MI': 572, 'KS': 580, 'MT': 539, 'MS': 551, 'SC': 488, 'KY': 550, 'OR': 526, 'SD': 582}
12. Print the min and max of each column

In [33]:
print 'The minimum Rate is' + ' ' + str(min(scores.Rate))
print 'The maximum Rate is' + ' ' + str(max(scores.Rate))
print 'The minimum Verbal score is' + ' ' + str(min(scores.Verbal))
print 'The maximum Verbal score is' + ' ' + str(max(scores.Verbal))
print 'The minimum Math score is' + ' ' + str(min(scores.Math))
print 'The maximum Math score is' + ' ' + str(max(scores.Math))

The minimum Rate is 4
The maximum Rate is 82
The minimum Verbal score is 482
The maximum Verbal score is 593
The minimum Math score is 439
The maximum Math score is 603
Writing a function using only list comprehensions, no loops, to compute Standard Deviation.
Printing the Standard Deviation of each numeric column (Rate, Verbal and Math).

In [38]:
def std(col):
    std = math.sqrt(sum((scores[col] - np.mean(scores[col])) ** 2) / (len(scores) - 1))
    return std

print('Standard Deviation for Rate of Participaion is ' + str(std('Rate')))
print('Standard Deviation for Average Verbal Score is ' + str(std('Verbal')))
print('Standard Deviation for Average Math Score is ' + str(std('Math')))

Standard Deviation for Rate of Participaion is 27.3017880729
Standard Deviation for Average Verbal Score is 33.2362254438
Standard Deviation for Average Math Score is 36.0149750989

Visualizing the data

In [27]:
scores.Rate.plot(kind='hist', bins=5, title='Histogram of Rates of Participation')

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x118de9290>

In [74]:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
% matplotlib inline

/anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ipykernel/ FutureWarning: order is deprecated, use sort_values(...)
array([ 4,  4,  4,  5,  5,  6,  6,  7,  8,  8,  8,  9,  9,  9, 11, 11, 12,
       12, 13, 13, 17, 18, 23, 26, 31, 33, 34, 45, 51, 51, 52, 53, 53, 54,
       55, 56, 57, 60, 63, 65, 65, 67, 68, 69, 69, 71, 71, 72, 77, 79, 81,
15. Plot the Math distribution

In [18]:
scores.Math.plot(kind='hist', bins=6, title='Mean SAT Math Scores for 2001')
plt.xlabel('Math Score')

<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x11525ced0>
16. Plot the Verbal distribution

In [19]:
scores.Verbal.plot(kind='hist', bins=7, title='Mean Verbal SAT Scores for 2001')
plt.xlabel('Verbal Score')

<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x117d7e5d0>

In [20]:
#Checking out the data with a density plot
scores.Verbal.plot(kind='density', xlim=(300, 700))

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x117d87b10>
17. What is the typical assumption for data distribution?

Typical assumption for data distribution is a normal distribution

18. Does that distribution hold true for our data?

It does not hold true for the above 3 histograms representing Rate, Verbal and Math. Rate is high on both ends of the graph. Math peaks at the low 500s. While Verbal peaks around 510 and 570.

19. Plot some scatterplots. BONUS: Use a PyPlot figure to present multiple plots at once.

In [21]:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
scores.plot(kind='scatter', x='Verbal', y='Math', alpha=0.5)

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x1181ac910>

In [22]:
scores.plot(kind='scatter', x='Verbal', y='Rate', alpha=0.5)

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x1184ccdd0>

In [23]:
scores.plot(kind='scatter', x='Math', y='Rate', alpha=0.5)

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x11890c610>
20. Are there any interesting relationships to note?

Both the Verbal and Math mean scores were postively correlated. As one increases so did the other. In the scatterplot for Verbal and Rate chart, the higher scores were in the lowest rate of student participation. The scores were in closer proximity when compared to the scores displayed in the top left of the graph. As rates of participation increased the scores became more spreadout and lower. This held true (for the most part-excluding a couple or outliers) for the scatterplot for Math and Rate. This implies that higher rate of participation does not guarentee higher scores. The more student that take the SATs the more likely it is that the mean scores will decrease.

21. Create box plots for each variable.

In [24]:

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x1188fed90>

In [25]:

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x118bc70d0>

In [26]:

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x118e39ed0>